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Co-Authored Scientific Presentations

National, Regional and Local Meetings

  • Panjabi, M, Crisco, J, Dvorak, M, Oxland, T, Grog, D, Hillibrand, A, Gupta, R. Coupled motion patterns of the upper cervical spine. Cervical Spine Research Society, San Diego, California, 1989.
  • Panjabi, M, Crisco, J, Dvorak, M, Oxland, T, Grog, D, Hillibrand, A, Gupta, R. Coupledmotion patterns of the upper cervical spine. First World Congress of Biomechanics, San Diego, California, 1990.
  • Allen, FD, Pollack, SR, Gupta, R, Hung, CT. The Intracellular Calcium Response of Osteoblast-like Cells to 60kHz Electric Field Stimulation from 10V/m to 1kV/m. Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Washington, D.C., October 1994.
  • Naranja, RJ, Brighton, CT, Pollack, SR, Gupta, R. In Vivo Capacitive Coupled Electric Stimulation of the Beagle Distal Radius Growth Plate. Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Washington, D.C., October 1994.
  • Levitz, CL, Naranja, RJ, Gupta, R, Brighton, CT. The Role of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor-Beta in Mechanical Strain Induced Bone Cell Proliferation. Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, Florida, 1995.
  • Naranja, RJ, Brighton, CT, Levitz, C, Gupta, R. Is Osteoblast Proliferation in Response to Mechanical Stress Linked to a Tyrosine Kinase? Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, 1995.
  • Nelson, CL, Gupta, R, Taffett, R, Dalsey, RM, DeLong, WG. Functional Outcome Following Distal Humerus Fractures in Adults. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, 1995.
  • Bozentka, DJ, Gupta, R, Bora, FW. Evaluation of Tension Applied for External Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures. Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1995.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Jones, NF; Patel, A; Hung, CT: Optimization of Schwann cell adhesion for Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering. American Society for Peripheral Nerve, Cancun, Mexico, 2002.
  • Kobayishi, M; Gupta, R; McMahon, PJ; Evans, GDR: Functional upper extremity reconstruction using a microneural tensor fascia lata flap. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Cancun, Mexico, 2002.
  • Faux, JR; Lemly, KS; McMahon, PJ; Armstrong, KL; McMaster, WC; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Contribution of shoulder muscles to glenohumeral joint forces: implications for patients with spinal cord injury. Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, Texas, 2002.
  • Bissell, JL; McGarry, MH; Yang, BY; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: A biomechanical analysis of supraspinatus rotator cuff tear and repair. Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, Texas, 2002.
  • Rowshan, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Benhaim, P; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression induces early proliferation of unmyelinated fibers while preserving axonal integrity. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Boston, Massachusetts, 2002.
  • Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Hung, CT; Benhaim, P; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression induces Schwann cell proliferation. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Boston, Massachusetts, 2002.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Bui, P; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Aberrant axonal sprouting with the absence of Wallerian degeneration in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. American Federation for Medical Research Regional Meeting (Western Section), Carmel, California, January 29 - February 1, 2003.
  • Chafik, D; Bear, D; Warren, C; Bui, P; Hung, CT; Gupta, R: Schwann cells remain promyelogenic after being subjected to sustained shear stress. Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003.
  • McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Armstrong, KL; Yang, BY; Schamblin, M; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical etiology for the posterior erosion of the glenoid. Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003.
  • Shapiro, T; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, YS; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical effects of glenoid retroversion in total shoulder arthroplasty. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Bui, PH; Lin, YM; Mozzafar, T; Gupta, R: Macrophage recruitment follows the pattern of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003.
  • Bear D, Warren C, Bui P, Modafferri E, Hung CT, Gupta R. Schwann cells remain promyelinogenic after being subjected to sustained shear stress. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2003.
  • Gray, M; Modafferri, E; Chao, T; Rummler, L; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The role of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in carpal tunnel syndrome. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2003.
  • Bui, P; Chao, T; Gray, M; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R: How are macrophages involved with carpal tunnel syndrome? Plastic Surgery Research Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2003.
  • Chao, T; Bui, P; Gray, M; Rummler, L; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Chronic nervecompression induces aberrant axonal sprouting. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Jones, NF; Gupta, R. The Lost Art of Nerve Teasing. American Society for Surgery of the Hand Residents & Fellows Conference. Chicago, IL, 2003.
  • Fornalski, S; Bingenheimer, E; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Ulnar shortening may be a Useful Adjunct for Lunato-Triquetral Arthrodesis. American Society for Surgery of the Hand Residents & Fellows Conference. Chicago, IL, 2003.
  • Lee, TQ; Shapiro, TA; McMarry, MH; Gupta, R; Le, YS: Effects of glenoid retroversion in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Dana Point, CA, 2003.
  • Hadden, A; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Transplantation of peripheral nerve graft following contusion injury to the adult spinal cord. Western Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Kamuela, HI. Sept. 22, 2003.
  • Rummler, LS; Chao, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R.Evaluation of Pain in an Animal Model for Compression Neuropathy. American Society for Peripheral Nerve. Palm Springs, CA, 2004.
  • Gray, M; Modafferi, E; Chao, T; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R: Angiogenesis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. American Association for Hand Surgery. Palm Springs, CA, 2004
  • Shapiro, T; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, YS; Lee, TQ: Effects of Glenoid Retroversion in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons 20th Open Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 2004.
  • Truong, LN; Rummler, L; Bear, D; Hung, CT; Gupta, R. Shear stress alters the expression of myelin associated glycoprotein and myelin basic protein in Schwann cells. Orthopaedic Research Society 51,st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005.
  • Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression preferentially induces sprouting from smaller caliber axonal fibers. Orthopaedic Research Society 51st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005.
  • Rummler, LS; Chao, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Evaluationof pain in an animal model for compressive neuropathies. Orthopaedic Research Society 51st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005.
  • Channual, JC; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The temporal pattern of macrophage recruitment in a model for chronic nerve compression injury. Orthopaedic Research Society 51st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005.
  • Nguyen, S; Bear, D; Truong, LN; Gupta, R. Age affects the neural response to chronic nerve compression injury Orthopaedic Research Society 51st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005
  • Berger, B; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression alters the occurrence of Schmidt-Lanterman Incisures. Orthopaedic Research Society 51st annual meeting. Washington, D.C., 2005.
  • Bear, D; Rummler, L; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome may occur secondary to localized ion channel migration. Adrian E. Flatt Residents and Fellows Conference in Hand Surgery 23rd Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX 2005.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. Scoliosis Research Society - Finalist for the Russell Hibbs Award. Miami, FL 2005.
  • Savoie, FH; Seiber, K; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Biomechanical Evaluatiomnn of a New Reconstructionn Technique for the Anterior Medial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow with Modified Bone Tunnel Placement and Interference Screw Fixation. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 22nd Closed Meeting. Palm Beach, FL 2005.
  • Lee, TQ; Ecklund, KJ; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R. The Role of the Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Muscles in a Biomechanical Model of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 22nd Closed Meeting. Palm Beach, FL 2005.
  • Chao, T; Gupta, R. Glial derived growth factor (GDNF) mediates neuronal phenotypic changes. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Bear, D; Rummler, L; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Localized ion channel migration after neural injury mediates pain. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Gray, M; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Popovich, PG; Gupta, R. Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier without affecting Schwann cell function after neural injury. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation ofPreconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Bhatia, N; Rasouli, A; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Resection of glial scar following spinal cord injury. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Dinh, PT; Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells following Hemisection Spinal Cord Injury. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Chao, T; Rowshan, K; Steward, O; Gupta R. Local down-degulation of myelin associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting after chronic nerve compression injury. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Ecklund, KJ; McGarry, MH; Chu, E; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: The Role of Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Muscles in a Biomechanical Model of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Ecklund, KJ; Chu, E; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Restores Abductor Muscle Efficiency in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Seiber, KS; Gupta, R; McGarry, MH; Safran, MR; Lee, TQ: The Role of Elbow Musculature and Forearm Rotation in Elbow Stability. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Seiber, KS; Savoie, FH; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical Evaluation of a new Reconstruction Technique for the Anterior Medial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow with Modified Bone Tunnel Placement and InterferenceScrew Fixation. Orthopaedic Research Society 52nd annual meeting, Chicago, IL 2006.
  • Pham, KD; Palispis, W; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression preferentially affects small to medium axons. Plastic Research Council 51st annual meeting; Talk 79A; Dana Point, CA 2006.
  • Gray, M; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Popovich, PG; Gupta, R: Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier but not Schwann cell proliferation in an animal model for carpal tunnel syndrome.Plastic Research Council 51st annual meeting; Talk 106B; Dana Point, CA 2006.
  • Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Novel New Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-Biologics in Shoulder Surgery meeting in Session I: Rotator Cuff; Chicago, IL September 6, 2006.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Gupta, R: Mechanisms of pain in an in vivo model for chronic nerve compression injury. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, October 16, 2006.
  • Grumet, R; Hadely, S; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Development of a Novel Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: The Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons VII. San Diego, CA; February 10, 2007.
  • Strandberg, EJ; Mozaffar, T; Abe, K; Cahill, K; Hilgenberg, LG; Smith, MA; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1Levels and Axonal Integrity are maintained after chronic nerve compression-induced nerve sprouting. Orthopaedic Research Society. San Diego, CA; February 11, 2007.
  • Chao, T; Pham, K; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Local chronic nerve injury induces a neuronal phenotypic switch of the dorsal root ganglia. Biennial Meeting of Peripheral Nerve Society. Snowbird, Utah; July, 2007.
  • Mozaffar, T; Strandberg, EJ; Abe, K; Cahill, K; Hilgenberg, LG; Smith, MA; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1 Levels and Axonal Integrity are maintained after chronic nerve compression-induced nerve sprouting. Biennial Meeting of Peripheral Nerve Society. Snowbird, Utah; July, 2007.
  • Rowshan, K; Hadley, S; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Nerve Injury in Rotator Cuff Pathology. Biennial Meeting of Peripheral Nerve Society. Snowbird, Utah; July, 2007.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, WA; Gupta, R. Schwann cells up-regulate NaV1.8 after chronic nerve injury. Biennial Meeting of Peripheral Nerve Society. Snowbird, Utah; July, 2007.
  • Strandberg, E; Abe, K; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1 Levels and Axonal Integrity are Maintained after Chronic Nerve Compression-Induced Nerve Sprouting (Paper 40). 62ndAnnual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Seattle, WA, September 28, 2007.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. The Pain of Chronic Nerve Injuries May Be M3ediated by Schwann Cells (Paper 42) 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Seattle, WA, September 28, 2007
  • Pham, K; Chao, T; Palispis, W; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Local nerve injury induces a phenotypic switch of the dorsal root ganglia. 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, March 3, 2008.
  • Rummler, L; Palispis, W; Gupta,R. The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome is likely mediated by Schwann cells. 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, March 3, 2008.
  • Smith, JS; Pham, T; Anderson, R; Bhatia, N; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The Role of Durotomy and Duraplasty Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in an Animal Model (Paper 20). 36th Annual Meeting of the Cervical Spine Research Society, Austin, TX, December 5, 2008.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, ME; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Can Demyelination Occur in the Absence of Inflammation? A Novel Murine Model of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury (Residents & Fellows Paper 7). 27th Annual Adrian E. Flatt Residents and Fellows Conference in Hand Surgery. San Francisco, CA, September 2,2009.
  • Jones, NF; Gupta, R; Hansen, SL; Harness, NG. Microsurgical Reconstruction of Congenital Missing Digits with Toe-to-Hand Transfers. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and American Society of Hand Therapists. San Francisco, California, September 5, 2009.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, ME; Nassiri, N; Kang, JR; Lin, MY; Anderson, RL; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. A Murine Model of Compressive Neuropathy Defines Demyelination Distinct From Acute Nerve Injuries. 13th International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, December 10, 2009.
  • Lin, MY; Kang, JR; Anderson, RL; Nassiri, N; Hazel, A; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Hydrostatic Pressure Activates an Integrin - Associated Signal Cascade in a Myelinating Co-CultureSystem. 13th International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, December 12, 2009.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, M; Nassiri, N; Kang, J; Anderson, R; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Wallerian Degeneration Does Not Play an Early Role in Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA; March 6-9, 2010.
  • Gupta, R; Nassiri, N; Hazel, A; Anderson, R; Kang, J; Brophy, P; Mozaffar, T. Chronic Nerve Compression Injury Alters Cajal Band Morphometry: A Possible Mechanism for Demyelination. 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA; March 6-9, 2010.
  • Otarodifard, K; Wong, J; Preston, C; Park, M; Tibone, J; ElAttrache, N; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Rotator Cuff Repair Constructs in the Rabbit Subscapularis: Comparison with Human Data. 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA; March 6-9, 2010.
  • Rafijah, G; Dolores, C; Bowen, A; Vitali, R; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Fibrin Glue Augmentation Does Not Impede Neurological Recovery in an Animal Model. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Hand Surgery, Las Vegas, NV; January 14, 2012.
  • Kang, JR; Wang, W; Nassiri, N; Hahn, P; Frum, D; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Neural Wound Healing: Why Surgery May Not Be Enough for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve, Las Vegas, NV; January 14, 2012.
  • Chao, T; Frump, D; Nassiri, N; Jung, J; Hahn, P; Gupta, R. Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 knock-out mice Resist Degradation of the Neuromuscular Junction following Nerve Transection Injury. 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society; San Francisco, CA; February 5, 2012.
  • Nguyen, M; Quigley, R; McGarry, M; Hanypsiak, B; Morgan, C; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. The Role of the Biceps Brachii in Overhead Throwing: A Biomechanical Study. 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society; San Francisco, CA; February 4-7, 2012.
  • Chao, T; Hanh, P; Frump, D; Caiozzo, V; Mozzafar, T; Gupta, R. Blockade of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 after Traumatic Nerve Injury Offers a Novel Treatment for Improving Functional Recovery. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Society for Surgery of the Hand; Paper 21, Chicago, IL; September 7, 2012.
  • Jung, J; Frump, D; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Schwann Cell Derived Desert Hedgehog has a Neuroprotective Effect Against Mechanical Stimuli. Annual meeting for the American Society for Peripheral Nerve annual meeting; Kauai, Hawaii; January 10-12, 2014.
  • Jung, J; Frump, D; Waterman, M; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The Role of the Wnt3a and the Beta-Catenin Signaling Pathway at the Motor Endplate Following Traumatic Nerve Injury. Annual meeting for the American Society for Peripheral Nerve annual meeting; Kauai, Hawaii; January 10-12, 2014.
  • Gonzales L., Wright D., Chen V., Tedesco A., Andalib S., Johnston T., Steward O., Gupta R. “Aging Accelerates Degradation of Human Neuromuscular Junction Following Peripheral Nerve Injury.” American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 18, 2024.

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