In the News/Invited presentations
After a nerve transfer and shoulder replacement, Robert "Ole" Ellingson is eager to get back on the ski slopes.

Time is of the essence in nerve injury repair, research
Despite the notion that nerve surgery research has plateaued in the past several decades, some surgeons view timely, precise diagnostics and a new wave of research as a viable path to improved outcomes in nerve repair in the future.

Ranjan Gupta, MD, said nerve injury is one of the biggest concerns after a traumatic injury, as patients may be left with an arm or leg that cannot move or is completely insensate.
“Whenever a patient has trauma, like a motor vehicle accident, a nerve injury is one of the things that we are most concerned with,” Gupta said. “These injuries can be as severe as having an arm or leg that is completely insensate, meaning you cannot feel the entire extremity or you cannot move that extremity. The number of traumatic nerve injuries is not decreasing. It is, without a doubt, remaining a constant variable in treating patients based upon how active their lives are.”
Invited Speaker/Visiting Professor at Harvard University/MGH on May 16, 2024.
Our Grand Rounds academic series is a weekly medical education session. Clinicians present their current work, research, advances or interesting cases. The target audience for Grand Rounds is faculty, fellows and residents specializing or interested in orthopaedics and other allied health professionals.
Dr. Ranjan Gupta's Brochure for Grand Rounds
Selected as the Co-Chair of the ASES Resident & Fellows Course from 2024-2027
Shoulder & Elbow Course for Residents and Fellows
At the Orthopaedic Learning Center as one of the invited faculty for the ASES Residents and Fellows courses
Just spent the last few days at the Orthopaedic Learning Center as one of the invited faculty for the ASES Residents and Fellows course. This is my favorite course of the year! Passionate about teaching the next generation while learning from giants in our field including ASES President-elect Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, ASES Immediate Past President Peter MacDonald, and Past President of ASES and orthopedic legend Bernie Morrey.
At the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience along with members of the Reeve Irvine Research Center
Just spent the last few days in Washington DC at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience along with members of the Reeve Irvine Research Center. My mentor, the world renowned neuroscientist Oswald Steward, was ending his term as the president of this amazing organization. I have learned so much from him over the years and hope that I can honor him by paying it forward by supporting the efforts of the next generation of UC Irvine faculty including Tyler Johnston, Phil Lim, Maya Hatch, and David Wright.
Selected Past Invited Presentations
Invited Faculty for International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Instructional Course “Shoulder Tips and Tricks for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
June 21, 2023
Boston, MA
Sunderland Society
June 28-July 1, 2023
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Invited to serve as an Oral Examiner for the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
July 16-19, 2023
Chicago, IL
Invited faculty for OC Shoulder Course
November 4, 2023
Huntington Beach, IL
Invited faculty for the ASES Course: Essentials of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery for Residents and Fellows
November 17-19, 2023
Rosemont, IL
Visiting Professor, Harvard Medical School; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital
May 15-16, 2024
ASES 2022 Resident Course
Ranjan Gupta, Andrew Jawa and Paul Sethi
On November 10-11, 2022, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons hosted its annual ASES Resident Course: Essentials of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery at the Orthopaedic Learning Center (OLC) located in Rosemont, Illinois.
And here is the link to the meeting