Invited Reviews
- Gupta,R. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 116(5): 1405-1407, October 2005 of Fong, KD; Trindade, MC; Wang, Z; Nacamuli, RP; Pham, H; Fang, TD; Song, HM; Smith, RL; Longaker, MT; Chang, J. Microarray Analysis of Mechanical Shear Effects on Flexor Tendon Cells.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 193-194, 2006 of Temple CLF, Ross DC, Dunning CE, et al. Resistance to Disruption and Gapping of Peripheral Nerve Repairs: An In Vitro Biomechanical Assessment of Techniques J Reconstr Microsurg 20(8): 645-650, 2004.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp.113-115, 2006 of Popa M and Dubert TH. Treatment of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome by Frontal Partial Medial Epicondylectomy. A Retrospective Series of 55 Cases. J Hand Surg 29B(6): 563-567, 2004.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 51-54, 2006 of O'Driscoll SW, Petrie RE, and Torchia, ME. Arthroscopic Removal of the Glenoid Component for Failed Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 87A(4): 858-863, 2005.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp.181-182, 2006 of Hirata H, Nagakura T, Tsujii M et al. The Relationship of VEGF and PGE2 Expression to Extracellular Matrix Remodelling of the Tenosynovium in the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. J Pathology 204: 605-612, 2004.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 24-25, 2006 of Charousset C, Bellaiche L, Duranthon LD, et al. Accuracy of CT Arthrography in the Assessment of Tears of the Rotator Cuff. J Bone Joint Surg 86B(6): 824-828, 2005.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2006 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp.7-8, 2006 of Gardner MJ, Griffith MH, Dines JS, et al. The Extended Anterolateral Acromial Approach Allows Minimally Invasive Access to the Proximal Humerus. Clin Orthop & Rel Research 434:123-129, 2005.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp.123-124, 2007 of Tambe AD, Stilwell CJ, Murali SR, et al. Scaphoid Non-union: The Role of Vascularized Grafting in Recalcitrant Non-unions of the Scaphoid. J Hand Surg 31B(2): 185-190, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 139-140, 2007 of Schmid MR, Schertler, T, Pfirrmann, CW et al. Interosseous Ligament Tears of the Wrist: Comparison of Multi-Detector Row CT Arthrography and MR Imaging Radiology 237(3): 1008-1013, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp.88-89, 2007 of Iba K, Wada T, Aoki M et al. IntraoperativeMeasurement of Pressure Adjacent to the Ulnar Nerve in Patients With Cubital TunnelSyndrome. J Hand Surg 31A(4): 553-558, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 163-164, 2007 of Ikeda K, Osamura N, and Tomita K. Segmental Carpal Canal Pressure in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome J Hand Surgery 31A(6): 925-929, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 4-5, 2007 of Koukakis A, Apostolou CD, Taneja T, et al. Fixation ofProximal Humeral Fractures Using the PHILOS Plate. Clin Orthop & Rel Research 442:115-120, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2007 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc., pp. 97-98, 2007 of Harness NG, Ring D, Zurakowski D, et al. The Influence of Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Reconstructions on the Characterization and Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures. J Bone and Joint Surg 88A(6): 1315-1323, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2008 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc. (In Press) of Edwards SL, Wilson NA, Zhang Q, et al. Two-Part Surgical Neck Fractures of the Proximal Part of the Humerus: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Two Fixation Techniques. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 88A(10): 2258-2264, 2006.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2008 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc. (In Press) of Gray KV and Meals RA. Hematoma and Distraction Arthroplasty for Thumb Basal Joint Osteoarthritis: Minimum 6.5-Year Follow-Up Evaluation. J Hand Surg (Am) 32A: 23-29, 2007.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2008 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc. (In Press) of Jia X, Koenig MA, Zhang X, et al. Residual Motor Signal inLong-Term Human Severed Peripheral Nerves and Feasibility of Neural Signal-Controlled Artificial Limb. J Hand Surg (Am) 32A: 657-666, 2007.
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2008 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc. (In Press) of Smith AM, Barnes SA, Sperling JW, et al. Patient and Physician-Assessed Shoulder Function After Arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg (Am)88A(3): 508-513, 2006
- Gupta, R. Year Book of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2008 with Editors Chang J and Steinmann SP, Mosbey, Inc. (In Press) of Yildirim AM, Okur MI, and Ozercan R. Reduction of the Incidence of Neuroma Formation by Proximal Epineural Striping: An Experimental Study in Rats. J Hand Surg(Br) 31B(4): 450-452, 2006.