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  • Gupta, R: A short history of neuropathic arthropathy. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 296:43-49, November 1993.PMID: 8222448
  • Lieberman, JR; Fuchs, MD; Haas, SB; Garvin, KL;Goldstock, L; Gupta, R; Pellicci, PM; Salvati, EA: Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure. Journal of Arthroplasty 10(2): 191-195, 1995. PMID: 7798100
  • Bernot, M; Gupta, R; Dobrasz, B; Chance, B; Heppenstall, RB; Sapega, A: The effect of antecedent ischemia on the tolerance of skeletal muscle to increased interstitial pressure. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 10(8): 555-559, 1996. PMID: 8915918
  • Gupta, R; Leggin, BG; Iannotti, JP: Results of surgical repair of full thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America 28(2): 241-248, 1997. PMID: 9113719
  • Steinberg, D and Gupta, R: Proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty: a review. Seminars in Arthroplasty 8(2): 120-127, 1997.
  • Gupta,R; Sher, J; Williams, GR; Iannotti,JP: Non-union of the scapular body - a case report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 80A(3): 428-430, 1998. PMID: 9531212
  • Lorich, DG; Brighton, CT; Gupta, R; Corsetti, JR; Levine, SE; Gelb, ID; Seldes, R, Pollack, SR:Biomechanical pathways mediating the response of bone cells to capacitive Coupling. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research 350: 246-256, May, 1998. PMID: 9602826
  • Gupta, R; Allen, FA; Tan, V; Bozentka, DJ; Bora, FW; Osterman, AL: The effect of laminar fluid flow on fibroblasts derived from Dupuytren's tissue and normal palmar fascia. Journal of Hand Surgery 23A: 945-950, 1998. PMID: 9763277
  • Gupta, R; Bozentka, DJ; Bora, FW: The evaluation of tension in an experimental model of external fixation of distal radius fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery 24A: 108-112, 1999. PMID: 10048524
  • Fernandez, DL and Gupta, R: Vessel Implantation for Kienbock's Disease. Atlas of Hand Clinics 4(2): 73-90, 1999.
  • Fornalski, S; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Chronic Instability of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: A review. The University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Journal 13: 43-52, 2000.
  • Gupta, R; Nelson, SD; Baker, J; Jones, NF; Meals, RA: The innervation of the triangular fibrocartilage complex: nitric acid maceration rediscovered. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 107: 135-139, 2001. PMID: 11176611
  • Jones, NF; Gupta, R: Post-operative Monitoring of Pediatric Toe-to-Hand Transfers with Differential Pulse Oximetry. Journal of Hand Surgery 26A: 525-529, 2001. PMID: 11418919
  • Gupta, R; Bozentka,DJ; Osterman, AL: Wrist arthroscopy: indications and technique. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 9(3): 200-209, 2001. PMID: 11421577
  • Gupta, R; Villablanca, PJ; Jones, NF: Evaluation of an acute compression injury in an animal model by magnetic resonance neurography. Journal of Hand Surgery 26A: 1093-1099, 2001. PMID: 11721257
  • Gupta, R; Allaire, RB; Fornalski, S; Osterman, AL; Lee, TQ: Kinematic Analysis of the Distal Radioulnar Joint after a Simulated Progressive Ulnar-sided Wrist Injury. Journal of Hand Surgery 27A: 854-862, 2002; PMID: 12239676
  • Chafik, D; Gupta, R: Primary total elbow arthroplasty. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 12(1): 15-20, 2002. PMID: 15540850
  • Fornalski, S; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Anatomy and Biomechanics ofthe Elbow Joint. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. Jan-March; 11(1): 1-9, 2003.
  • Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Patel, A; Kim, BT; Jones, NF; Hung, CT; Gupta, R: Optimization of Schwann Cell Adhesion for Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering 9(2): 233-243, 2003. PMID: 12740086
  • Gupta, R; Steward, O. Chronic nerve compression induces concurrent proliferation and apoptosis of Schwann cells. Journal of Comparative Neurology 461(2): 174-86, June 23, 2003. PMID: 12724836
  • Gupta, R; Jones,NF:A Novel Method of Skeletal Fixation in an Above Elbow Replantation: The Dowel Pin Technique. Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery 111(7): 2349-2352. 2003. PMID: 12794480
  • Gupta, R; Lin, Y; Bui, P; Chao, T; Preston, C; Mozzafar, T: Macrophage recruitment follows the pattern of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Neurotrauma 20(7): 671-680, 2003; PMID: 12908928
  • Fornalski, S; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Elbow Joint. Techniquesin Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 7(4): 168-178, 2003; PMID: 16518218
  • Gupta, R; Rowshan, K; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O: Chronic Nerve Compression Induces Segmental Demyelination in a Rat Model of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Experimental Neurology 187(2): 500-508, 2004; PMID: 15144876
  • Rummler, LR; Gupta, R: Peripheral nerve repair: a review. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics 15(4): 215-219, 2004
  • Azanchi, R; Bernal, G; Gupta, R; Keirstead, HS: Combined demyelination plus Schwann cell transplantation therapy increases spread of cells and axonal regeneration following contusion injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 21(6): 775-788, 2004. PMID: 15253804
  • Kobayashi, MR; Brenner, KA; Gupta, R; Evans, GRD: Functional Biceps Brachii Reconstruction Using the Free Tensor Fascia Lata. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 114(5): 1208-14, 2004.PMID: 15457037
  • Chafik, D; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Total Elbow Arthroplasty: Current Indications, Factors Affecting Outcome, and Long-term Follow-up Results. American Journal of Orthopaedics 33(10): 496-503, 2004.PMID: 15540850
  • Rummler, LS; Dinh, PT; Gupta, R. The anatomy and biochemistry of myelin and myelination. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 14(3): 146-152, 2004.
  • Rowshan, K; Jones, NF, Gupta, R. Current Surgical Techniques in Nerve Repair. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 14(3): 163-170, 2004.
  • Dinh, PT; Gupta, R. Subtotal Medial Epicondylectomy as a Surgical option for treatment of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery 9(1): 52-59, 2005; PMID: 16092820
  • Gupta, Rand Lee, TQ. Positional-dependent changes in glenohumeral joint contact pressure and force: Possible biomechanical etiology of posterior glenoid wear. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 14(1S): S105-10, 2005; PMID: 15726069
  • Gupta, R; Gray, M; Chao, T; Bear, D; Modafferri, E; Mozaffar, T. Schwann cells up-regulate vascular endothelial growth factor secondary to chronic nerve compression injury. Muscle Nerve 31(4): 452-60,2005; PMID: 15685607
  • Gupta, R; Rummler, L; Steward, O. Understanding the biology of compressive neuropathies. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 436: 251-260, June 2005.
  • Gupta, R; Bingenheimer, E; Fornalski, S; McGarry, MH; Osterman, AL; Lee, TQ. The effect of ulnar shortening on lunate and triquetrum motion - a cadaveric study. Clinical Biomechanics 20: 839-845, 2005; PMID: 16006023
  • Gupta, R; Truong, L; Bear, D; Chafik, D; Modafferi, E; Hung, CT: Shear stress alters Schwann cell expression of myelin associatedglycoprotein (MAG) and myelin basic protein (MBP). Journal of Orthopaedic Research 23: 1232-1239, 2005. PMID: 16140204
  • Karamanoukian, R; Gupta, R; Evans, GRD. A Novel Technique for the Prophylactic Plating of the Osteocutaneous Radial Forearm Flap Donor Site. Annals of Plastic Surgery 56(2): 200-204, 2006. PMID: 16432333
  • Gupta, R; Chanual, J. Spatiotemporal pattern of macrophage recruitment after chronic nerve compression injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 23(2): 216-226, 2006. PMID: 16503805
  • Gupta, R; Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Chao, T; Truong, L; Steward, O: Local down -regulation of myelin - associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting with chronic nerve compression injury. Experimental Neurology 200(2): 418-29,2006. Epub 2006 Jun 9; PMID: 16764860
  • Berger, B; Gupta, R. Demyelination after chronic nerve compression injury alters Schmidt - Laterman Incisures. Journal of Anatomy 209: 111-118, 2006.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Souryadevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Transplantation of pre-conditioned Schwann cells in peripheral nerve grafts following contusion injury to the adult spinal cord improves recovery in a rat model. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 88A(11): 2400-2410, 2006; PMID: 17079397
  • Shapiro, TA; McGarry, Gupta, R, M; Lee, Y S; Lee, T Q: Biomechanical effects of glenoid retroversion in total shoulder arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 16(3): 90S-95S, May/June 2007[2006 Dec 11Epub ahead of print]; PMID: 17169588
  • Gray, M; Palispis, W; Popovich, PG; van Rooijen, N; Gupta,R. Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier with out affecting Schwann cell function after neural injury. Journal of Neuroscience Research 85(4): 766-777, 2007. [Epub ahead of print January 31, 2007]; PMID: 17266098. Cover Image for the Journal is from this manuscript.
  • Dinh, PT; Bhatia, N; Souryadevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Transplantation of pre-conditioned Schwann cells in peripheral nerve grafts following hemisection spinal cord injury. Spine32(9): 943-9, 2007; PMID: 17450067
  • Ecklund, K; Lee, TQ; Tibone, J; Gupta, R: Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 15(6): 340-349, 2007; PMID: 17548883
  • Gupta, R; Lee, TQ.Contributions of the Different Rabbit Models to our Understanding of Rotator Cuff Pathology. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 16(5): 149S-157S, September/October 2007; PMID: 17903710
  • Strandberg, E; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The Role of Electrodiagnostic Studies in Nerve Injuries and other Orthopaedic Disorders. Journal of Hand Surgery 32A(8): 1280-1290, 2007; PMID: 17923316
  • Chao, T; Pham, K; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression injury induces a phenotypic switch of neurons within the dorsal root ganglia. Journal of Comparative Neurology 506: 180-193, 2008; PMID: 18022951
  • Krishnan, KG; Mucha, D; Gupta, R; Schackert, G. Brachial Plexus Compression caused by recurrent Clavicular Nonunion and Space Occupying Pseudoarthrosis: Definitive Reconstruction using free vasularized bone flap: A Series of Eight Cases. Neurosurgery Operative Neurosurgery Supplement 2 62(5): 461-470, discussion 469-70, May 2008; PMID: 18596530
  • Tafti, M; Cramer, S; Gupta, R. Orthopaedic Management of the Upper Extremity in Stroke Patients. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 16(8): 462-70. 2008; PMID: 18664635
  • Mozaffar T, Strandberg E, Abe K, Hilgenberg LG, Smith MA, Gupta R.Neuromuscular junction integrity after chronic nerve compression injury. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27(1): 114-9, Jan 2009; 2008 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]; PMID:18655131
  • Seiber K, Gupta R, McGarry MH, Safran MR, Lee TQ. The role of the elbow musculature, for earm rotation, and elbow flexion in elbow stability: An in vitro study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 18(2): 260-8, March-April, 2009 with Epub 2008 Nov 30. PMID: 19046641
  • Rasouli A, Bhatia N, Dinh P, Cahill K, Suryadevara S, Gupta R. Resection of glial scar following spinal cord injury. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27(7): 931-6; July, 2009. PMID: 19062171
  • Pham, KD and Gupta, R. Understanding the mechanisms of entrapment neuropathies. Neurosurgical Focus 26(2): E7, February, 2009.
  • Grumet, RC; Hadley, S; Diltz, MV; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Development of a Novel Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: The Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. Acta Orthopaedica 80(1): 97-103, 2009 Feb; PMID: 19234889
  • Schamblin, R; Gupta, R; McMaster, W; Lee, TQ: Quantitative Assessment of Glenohumeral Joint Forcesin Total ands Bipolar Shoulder Arthroplasties - An In-Vitro Study. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). 24(8): 626-31; 2009 Jun 5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19501938
  • Hazel, A; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Indications and Future Directions. Current Orthopaedic Practice 20(4): 355-364, July/August 2009.
  • Dinh, PT; Hazel, A;Palispis, W; Gupta, R. Functional Assessment after Sciatic Nerve Injury. Microsurgery 29(8): 644-649; 2009 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19653327
  • Frieboes LR and Gupta R. An in vitro traumatic model to evaluate the response of myelinated cultures to sustained hydrostatic compression injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 26(12): 2245-56, Dec 2009. [Epub 2009 Jul 31] PMID: 19645529
  • Pham, KD; Nassirin, N; Gupta, R. c-Jun, krox-20,and integrin beta4 expression following chronic nerve compression injury. Neuroscience Letters 465(2): 194-8; 2009 Nov 13. [Epub 2009 Sep 16] PMID: 19765400
  • Seiber, KS; Savoie, FH; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Biomechanical evaluation of a new reconstruction technique of the ulnar collateral ligament in the elbow with modified bone tunnel placement and interference screw fixation. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 25(1): 37-42; Jan 2010. [Epub 2009 Oct 16] PMID:19837496
  • Bederman, SS; Rosen, CD; Bhatia, NN; Kiester, PD; Gupta, R. Drivers of Surgery for the Degenerative Hip, Knee and Spine: A Systematic Review. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research 2011 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21818668
  • Frieboes, LR; Palispis, WA; Gupta, R. Nerve compression activates selective nociceptive pathways and up regulates peripheral sodium channel expression in Schwann cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 28(6): 753-61; June, 2010.[Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20014316 Cover Image for this issue of the Journal is Figure 4 from this manuscript
  • Tapadia, M; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Compressive Neuropathies of the Upper Extremity: Update on Pathophysiology, Classification, and Electrodiagnostic Findings. Journal of Hand Surgery 35(4): 668-677; April, 2010. [Epub2010 Mar 11] PMID: 20223605
  • Gupta R; Bathen, ME; Smith, JS; Levi, AD; Bhatia, NN; Steward, O. Advances in the management of spinal cord injury. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 18(4): 210-222; April, 2010. PMID: 20357230.
  • Smith, JS; Landers, R; Pham, T; Bhatia, N; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Role of early surgical decompression of the intradural space after cervical spinal cord injury in an animal model. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 92(5): 1206-1214; May, 2010. PMID: 20439667
  • Rowshan, K; Hadley, S; Caiozzo, VJ; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Development of fatty atrophy after neurologic and rotator cuff injuries in an animal model of rotator cuff pathology. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 92(13):2270-8; October, 2010. PMID: 20926720
  • Kang,J; Zamorano, DP; Gupta, R.Challenges of Limb Salvage with Major Nerve Injuries: Current Management and Future Directions. Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 19: S28-S34, 2011.
  • Gupta, R; Nassirin, N; Bathen, M; Hazel, A; Palispis, W; Mozaffar, T. Chronic nerve compression alters Schwann cell myelin architecture in a murine model. Muscle Nerve 45(2):231-241, February 2012. PMID: 22246880
  • Kang, J and Gupta, R. Mechanisms of Fatty Degeneration in MassiveRotator Cuff Tears. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 21(2): 175-180; February, 2012. PMID: 22244060
  • Chao, T and Gupta R. Commentary on Kemp et al (2011): Dose and duration of nerve growth factor (NGF) administration determine the extent of behavioral recovery following peripheral nerve injury in the rat. Experimental Neurology 234(1): 5-7; March 2012. PMID: 22222878
  • Nguyen, ML; Jun, BJ; Quigley, RJ; McGarry, MH; Galle, S; Burkhart, SS; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Margin Convergence Anchorage to Bone for Reconstruction of the Anterior Attachment of the Rotator Cable. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 28(9): 1237-45. Epub 2012 May 17; September, 2012. PMID: 22608293
  • Lin, MY; Palispis, W; Forootan, M; Gall, CM; Steward, O; Gupta, R.Biophysical stimuli induce demyelination via an integrin dependent mechanism. Annals of Neurology 72(1): 112-23; July, 2012. PMID: 22829273
  • Chao T, Frump D, Lin M, Caiozzo VJ, Mozaffar T, Steward O, Gupta R. Matrix metalloproteinase 3 deletion PreservesDenervated Motor Endplate after Traumatic Nerve Injury. Annals of Neurology 73(2): 210-23; Feb, 2013.doi: 10.1002/ana. 23781. Epub 2012 Dec 31. PMID: 23281061
  • Rafijah, G; Bowen, A; Dolores, C; Vitali, R; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The Use of Fibrin Glue to Augment Nerve Repairs Does Not Impede Neural Regeneration in an Animal Model for Segmental Nerve Defects in an Animal Model for Segmental Nerve Defects. Journal of Hand Surgery 38(5): 847-855, May 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2013.01.044. Epub 2013 Apr 3.PMID: 23561728
  • Quigley RJ, Gupta A, Oh JH, Chung KC, McGarry MH, Gupta R, Tibone JE, Lee TQ. Biomechanical Comparison of Single-Row, Double-Row, and Transosseous-Equivalent Repair Techniques after Healing in an Animal Rotator Cuff Tear Model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31(8): 1254-60; 2013 Aug. PMID: 23572388
  • Berrocal YA, Almeida VW, Gupta R, Levi AD. Transplantation of Schwann cells in a collagen tube for the repair of large, segmental peripheral nerve defects in rats. Journal of Neurosurgery. 119(3): 720-32; 2013 Sep. PMID: 23746104
  • Lin, MY; Manzano, G, Gupta R. Nerve conduits and allograft in peripheral nerve repair. Hand Clinics 29(3): 331-348; August, 2013.
  • Ghert, M; Della Rocca, GJ; Gupta, R; Provencher, M; Wolf, B; Wolf, JM; Yee, A. The 2013 American-British-Canadian Traveling Fellowship: Innovation, Accountability, and Insight. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 96A(8): 703-704, April 16, 2014. PMID: 24740674
  • Kain ZN, Vakharia S, Garson L, Engwall S, Schwarzkopf R, Gupta R, Cannesson M. The perioperative surgical home as a future perioperative practice model. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 118(5): 1126-30; May, 2014. PMID: 24781578
  • Jung, J; Hahn, P; Choi, B; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Early but not Late Surgical Decompression Restores Neurovascular Blood Flow and Ischemic Parameters in an In-vivo Animal model of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 96A (11): 897-906, June 4, 2014. PMID: 24897737
  • Campbell ST, Ecklund KJ, Chu EH, McGarry MH, Gupta R, Lee TQ. The role of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles in a biomechanical model of massive rotator cuff tear. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 23(8): 1136-42; August, 2014. PMID: 24560467
  • Raphael DR, Cannesson M, Schwarzkopf R, Garson LM, Vakharia SB, Gupta R, Kain ZN. Total joint Peri-operative Surgical Home: an observational financial review. Perioperative Medicine (London) 3: 6; August 27, 2014. PMID: 25177486
  • McGarry MH, Nguyen ML, Quigley RJ, Hanypsiak B, Gupta R, Lee TQ. The effect of long and short head biceps loading on glenohumeral joint rotational range of motion and humeral head position. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2014 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25257680
  • Schwarzkopf R, Dang P, Luu M, Mozaffar T, Gupta R. Topical Tranexamic Acid Does Not Affect Electro physiologic or Neurovascular Sciatic Nerve Makers in an Animal Model. Clinical Orthopaedic Related Research 473(3):1074-82; March, 2015 PMID: 25560955
  • Kurimoto, S; Jung, JS; Tapadia, Lengfeld, J; Agalliu, D; Waterman, M; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Activation of the Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Cascade After Traumatic Nerve Injury. Neuroscience 294: 101-8; May 21, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.02.049. Epub 2015 Mar 3. PMID: 25743255
  • Lopez, GD; Wright, R; Martin, D; Jung, J; Bracey, D; Gupta, R. A Cost-effective Junior Resident Training and Assessment Simulator for Orthopaedic Surgical Skills via Fundamentals of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS Exhibit Selection). Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery American 97(8): 659-66; 2015 Apr 15. PMID: 25878310
  • Jung, J; Frump, D; Su, J; Wang, W; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Desert Hedgehog is a Critical Mediator of Demyelination in Compression Neuropathies. Experimental Neurology 271:84-94; May 1, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.04.014. PMID: 25936873
  • Lopez, G; Martin, D; Wright, R; Jung, J; Hahn, P; Jain, N; Bracey, D; Gupta, R. Construct Validity for a Cost-Effective Arthroscopic Surgery Simulator for Resident Education. Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons24(12): 886-894, December, 2016. PMID: 27832043
  • Palispis W and Gupta, R. Surgical Repair in Humans After Traumatic Nerve Injury Provides Limited Functional Neural Regeneration in Adults. Experimental Neurology 290: 106-114, April, 2017. PMID: 28111229
  • Gupta, R. Think Again About That Block: Commentary on an article by Surena Namdari, MD, MSc, et al.: "Randomized Controlled Trial of Interscalene Block Compared with Injectable Liposomal Bupivacaine in Shoulder Arthroplasty". Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 99A(7): 619, April 5, 2017. PMID: 28375899
  • Zhu D, Tapadia MD, Palispis W, Luu M, Wang W, Gupta R. Attenuation of Robust Glial Scar Formation Facilitates Functional Recovery in Animal Models of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am. 99(24): 2119/e132; Dec 20, 2017. PMID:29257018
  • Ficke JR, Moroski NM, Ross SD, Gupta R. Integrative Medicine as an Adjunct to Orthopaedic Surgery. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 26(2): 58-65, January 15, 2018. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00134. PMID:29239871
  • Jung J, Haghverdian B, Gupta R. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Fusion: Indications and Techniques. Hand Clinics 34(2): 177-184, May 2018.
  • Chan JP, Uong J, Nassiri N, Gupta R. Lessons From Leprosy: Peripheral Neuropathies and Deformities in Chronic Demyelinating Diseases. J Hand Surg Am. 2019 May; 44(5):411-415. PMID:30177357
  • Zamorano DP, Lim PK, Haghverdian BA, Gupta R. Perioperative Management of the Orthopaedic Patient and Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Withdrawal. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 27(6): e249-e257, March 15, 2019. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00708. PMID:30499892
  • Modrak, M; Sundem, L; Gupta, R; Zusick, MJ; Elfar, J. Pharmacological Attenuation of Electrical Effects in a Model of Compression Neuropathy. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am. 101(6): 523-530, March 20, 2019. PMID:30893233
  • Bhatia N, Palispis WA, Urakov T, Gruskay J, Haghverdian J, Yang DS, Uong J, Albert T, Vaccaro A, Levi AD, Gupta R. Establishing validity of the fundamentals of spinal surgery (FOSS) simulator as a teaching tool for orthopedic and neurosurgical trainees. Spine Journal. 2020 Apr; 20(4): 580-589. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2019.11.008. Epub 2019 Nov 18. PMID: 31751611
  • Chan JP, Clune J, Shah SB, Ward SR, Kocsis JD, Mozaffar T, Steward O, Gupta R. Examination of the human motor end plate after brachial plexus injury with two-photon microscopy. Muscle Nerve. 2019 Dec 10. PMID: 31820462
  • Gupta, R; Patel, NA; Mazzocca, AD; Romeo, A. Understanding and Treating Iatrogenic Nerve Injuries in Shoulder Surgery. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic. 2020 Mar 1; 28(5): e185-e192. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-18-00608. PMID: 31567728
  • Diamond, S; Lundy, JB; Weber, EL; Lalezari, S; Rafijah, G; Leis, A; Gray, BL; Lin, IC; Gupta, R. A Call to Arms: Emergency Hand and Upper Extremity Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Hand Surgery Global 2(4): 175-266, July 2020.
  • Gupta, R; Chan, JP; Uong, J; Palispis, WA; Wright, DJ; Shah, SB; Ward, SR; Lee,TQ; Steward, O. Human Motor End plate Remodeling after Traumatic Nerve Injury. Journal of Neurosurgery 2020 Sep 18; 1-8. doi: 10.3171/2020.8.JNS201461. Online ahead of print. PMID:32947259
  • Slater RR Jr, Uong J, Gupta R, Beverley L, Marks MR, Nelson DL. The Opioid Epidemic: Risk Evaluation and Management Strategies for Prescribing Opioids. Instructional Course Lectures 69:405-414; 2020. PMID: 32017742
  • ASSH Surgical Simulation Taskforce, Wright DJ, Uong J. Establishing Validity of a Comprehensive Hand Surgical Training and Educational Platform (STEP). J Hand Surg Am. 45(12):1105-1114; Dec 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2020.07.019. Epub 2020 Sep 30. PMID: 33008694 (Gupta R is the senior & corresponding author as chair of the ASSH Surgical Simulation Taskforce)
  • Slater, RR Jr; Uong, J; Gupta, R; Beverley, L; Marks, MR; Nelson, DL. The Opioid Epidemic: Risk Evaluation and Management Strategies for Prescribing Opioids. Instructional Course Lecture. 69:405-414; 2020. PMID: 32017742
  • Shafiq, B; Hacquebord, J; Wright, DJ; Gupta, R. Modern Principles in the Acute Surgical Management of Open Distal Tibia Fractures. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2021 Jun 1;29(11):e536-e547. PMID: 33788807; doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-00502.
  • Gupta, R; Rao, R; Johnston, TR; Uong, J; Yang, DS; Lee, TQ. Muscle stem cells and rotator cuff injury. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Reviews, Reports, and Techniques 1(3): 186-193, August 2021.
  • Rezzadeh K, Zhang B, Zhu D, Cubberly M, Stepanyan H, Shafiq B, Lim P, Gupta R, Hacquebord J, Egol K . Iowa Orthopedic Journal. 2022 Jun;42(1):63-68. PMID: 3582195
  • Chen VY, Gonzales LP, Johnston TR, Steward O, Gupta R. Preoperative Muscle Biopsy to Assess Motor End Plate Integrity as a Predictor for Successful Nerve Transfer: A Case Report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Case Connect. 2023 Feb 16;13(1). doi: 10.2106/JBJS.CC.22.00569. eCollection 2023 Jan 1. PMID: 36795913
  • Gupta R, Jung J, Johnston TR, Wright DJ, Uong J, Lim PK, Shafiq B, Navarro RA. Surgeon-Specific Factors Have a Larger Impact on Decision-Making for the Management of Proximal Humerus Fractures than Patient-Specific Factors: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2023 Jan 20:S1058-2746(23)00025-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2022.12.016. \Online ahead of print. PMID: 36690172
  • Doermann A, Gupta DK, Wright DJ, Shafiq B, Hacquebord J, Rafijah G, Lim PK, Gupta R. Distal Radius Fracture Management: Surgeon Factors Markedly Influence Decision Making. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Glob Res. 2023 Mar 2;7(3):e23.00002. doi: 10.5435/JAAOSGlobal-D-23-00002. eCollection 2023 Mar 1. PMID: 36867522
  • Shafiq B, Zhang, Bo, Zhu D, Gupta DK, Cubberly M, Hacquebord J, Lim P, Uong J, and Gupta R. Reducing Complications in Pilon Fracture Surgery: Surgical Time Matters. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2023 May 24. doi:10.1097/ PMID: 37226911
  • Shu HT, Ghanem D, Rogers DL, Covarrubias O, Izard P, Hacquebord J, Lim P, Gupta R, Osgood GM, and Shafiq B. Failure after operative repair is higher for ballistic femoral neck fractures than for closed, blunt-injury fractures: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open. 2024;9:e001241. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2023-001241 PMID: 38347891
  • Lim PK, Hacquebord J, Shafiq B, Gupta R. Optimizing the Timing and Management of Open Upper and Lower Extremity Fractures. Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 2024 Jul 2. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-23-00757. PMID: 38968700

Manuscripts in Press

  • Gupta R, Chen V, Li A. Modified Radial To Axillary Nerve Transfer Technique. JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques

Manuscripts in Review

  • Tedesco, A., Gonzales, L., Andalib, S., Chen, V., Hicks, M., Johnston, T., Steward, O., Gupta, R. Time-Dependent Response of Human Deltoid Muscle to Axillary Nerve Injury: Fatty Atrophy, Satellite Cell Abundance, and Motor Endplate Degeneration.
  • Gupta R, Johnston TR, Chen V, Gonzales L, Steward O. Preventing Deltoid Dysfunction after an Isolated Axillary Nerve Injury: Results of Partial Radial Nerve to Axillary Nerve Transfer as the Index Procedure
  • Gupta, R; Palispis, W; Hoang, H; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O. Denervation Induced Degradation of Motor Endplates can be Delayed Using Local Supplementation of Agrin at the Time of Injury.
  • Andalib S; Gonzales L; Tedesco A; Hatch M, Steward O; Gupta R. Presence of Deltoid Motor Endplates (MEPs) is Associated with Recovery of Shoulder Function: A Case-Controlled Comparison

Published Abstracts

  • Panjabi, M, Crisco, J, Dvorak, M, Oxland, T, Grog, D, Hillibrand, A, Gupta, R. Coupled motion patterns of the upper cervical spine. Transactions of the First World Congress of Biomechanics, 1990.
  • Gupta, R, Naranja, RJ, Levitz, CL, Brighton, CT: The biochemical pathways of capacitively coupled electric field stimulation of osteoblast-like cells. Trans SPRBM 14:1, 1994.
  • Allen, FD, Pollack, SR, Gupta, R, Hung, CT. The Intracellular Calcium Response of Osteoblast-like Cells to 60kHz Electric Field Stimulation from 10V/m to 1kV/m. Trans SPRBM 14:3, 1994.
  • Naranja, RJ, Brighton, CT, Pollack, SR, Gupta, R. In Vivo Capacitive Coupled Electric Stimulation of the Beagle Distal Radius Growth Plate. Trans SPRBM 14:8, 1994. 5. Levitz, CL, Naranja, RJ, Gupta, R, Brighton, CT. The Production of Platelet-derived growth factor in Response to Mechanical Strain. Trans SPRBM 14:20, 1994.
  • Gupta, R, Taffet, R, Adler, LM, Nelson, CL, Dalton, GP, Dalsey, RM, DeLong, WG, Born, CT, Iannacone, WM, Deutsch, LS. Operative Stabilization of Humeral Shaft Fractures Using Enders Rods and Statically Locked Intramedullary Nails. Transactions of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, 1995.
  • Levitz, CL, Naranja, RJ, Gupta, R, Brighton, CT. The Role of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor-Beta in Mechanical Strain Induced Bone Cell Proliferation. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 20(2): 474, 1995.
  • Naranja, RJ, Brighton, CT, Levitz, C, Gupta, R. Is Osteoblast Proliferation in Response to Mechanical Stress Linked to a Tyrosine Kinase? Transactions of Orthopaedic Research Society. 20(1): 105, 1995.
  • Gupta, R, Allen, FD, Bozentka, DJ, Bora, FW, Osterman, AL: The effect of laminar fluid flow on fibroblasts derived from Dupuytren’s tissue. Transactions of Orthopaedic Research Society. 22(1): 25, 1997.
  • Gupta, R, Bozentka, DJ, Bora, FW. Evaluation of Tension Applied for External Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures. Transactions of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco, February 1997.
  • Gupta, R; Villablanca, PB; Jones, NF; Filler, AA: Evaluation of an acute compression injury in an animal model by magnetic resonance neurography. Transactions of International Reconstructive and Microsurgery, Los Angeles, June 1999.
  • Gupta, R; Nelson, SD; Baker, J; Jones, NF; Meals, RA: The Innervation of the triangular fibrocartilage complex: nitric acid maceration rediscovered. Transactions of American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Boston, September 1999.
  • Gupta, R; Jones, NF: Post-operative Monitoring of Toe-to Hand transfers in a pediatric Population with Pulse Oximetry Transactions of American Society for Surgery of the Han Boston, September 1999.
  • Gupta, R; Fornalski, S; Allaire, R; Osterman, AL; Lee, TQ: Three-dimensional motion analysis of progressive ulnar wrist pathology. Transactions of American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Seattle, 2000.
  • Gupta, R; Bui, P; Baretta, J; Robertson, RT: Is carpal tunnel syndrome an acquired neurodegenerative process? Abstracts Society for Neuroscience. 26(2): 1379; 2000.
  • Preston, C; Bui, P; Arora, A; Steward, O; Gupta, R: Altered expression of mRNA for iNOS at the compression site of a chronic nerve injury. Transactions of Orthopaedic Research Society 26: 736, 2001.
  • Allaire, R; Fornalski, S; Osterman, AL; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Three dimensional motion analysis of progressive ulnar wrist injury. Transactions of Orthopaedic Research Society 26:118, 2001.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Steward, O: Quantitative stereologic evaluation of a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience 31: 870.9, 2001.
  • Gupta, R; Lin, Y; Preston, C; Jones, NF; Steward, O: Altered expression of mRNA for iNOS with chronic nerve injury. Transactions of the American Association for Hand Surgery, page 100; 2002.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Jones, NF; Patel, A; Hung, CT: Optimization of Schwann cell adhesion for Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve, page 23, 2002.
  • Kobayishi, M; Gupta, R; McMahon, PJ; Evans, GDR: Functional upper extremity reconstruction using a microneural tensor fascia lata flap. Transactions of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery in Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18(6): 525, 2002.
  • Faux, JR; Lemly, KS; McMahon, PJ; Armstrong, KL; McMaster, WC; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Contribution of shoulder muscles to glenohumeral joint forces: implications for patients with spinal cord injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 27:67, 2002.
  • Schamblin, M; Yang, BY; McMaster, WC; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Shoulder arthroplasty and glenohumeral joint forces in positions of overhead activities. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 27:283, 2002.
  • Bissell, JL; McGarry, MH; Yang, BY; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: A biomechanical analysis of supraspinatus rotator cuff tear and repair. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 27:832, 2002.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Steward, O: Quantitative stereologic evaluation of a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 27:179, 2002.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Bui, P; Steward, O: Induction of Schwann cell apoptosis in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 27:869, 2002.
  • Rowshan, R; Chafik, D; Bear, D; Benhaim, P; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression induces early proliferation of unmyelinated fibers while preserving axonal integrity. Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 47:276, 2002. 28. Chafik, D; Bear, D; Bui, P; Hung, CT; Benhaim, P; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression induces Schwann cell proliferation. Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 47:277, 2002.
  • Gupta, R; Chafik, D; Jones, NF; Steward, O: Chronic nerve compression induces Schwann cell proliferation. Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 57: 38, 2002.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Bui, P; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R: Aberrant axonal sprouting with the absence of Wallerian degeneration in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:64, 2003.
  • Chafik, D; Bear, D; Warren, C; Bui, P; Hung, CT; Gupta, R: Schwann cells remain promyelogenic after being subjected to sustained shear stress. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:96, 2003.
  • McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Armstrong, KL; Yang, BY; Schamblin, M; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical etiology for the posterior erosion of the glenoid. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:428, 2003.
  • Shapiro, T; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, YS; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical effects of glenoid retroversion in total shoulder arthroplasty. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:1181, 2003.
  • Gupta, R; Bingenheimer, E; McGarry, MH; Fornalski, S; Lee, TQ: Ulnar shortening may be a useful adjunct for lunato-triquetral arthrodesis. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:1200, 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Bui, PH; Lin, YM; Mozzafar, T; Gupta, R: Macrophage recruitment follows the pattern of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 28:1205, 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Chafik, D; Benhaim, P; and Gupta, R. Aberrant axonal sprouting with the absence of Wallerian degeneration in a model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Investigative Medicine 51(1): 164-165, Feb 2003.
  • Bear D, Warren C, Bui P, Modafferri, E, Hung CT, Gupta, R. Schwann cells remain promyelinogenic after being subjected to sustained shear stress. Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 48: 136, April 2003.
  • Gray, M; Modafferri, E; Chao, T; Rummer, L; Jones, NF; Mozzaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The role of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 48: 137, April 2003.
  • Bui, P; Chao, T; Gray, M; Jones, NF; Mozzaffar, T; Gupta, R: How are macrophages involved with carpal tunnel syndrome? Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 48: 201, April 2003.
  • Chao, T; Bui, P; Gray, M; Rummler, L; Jones, NF; Mozzaffar, T; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression induces aberrant axonal sprouting. Transactions of the Plastic Surgery Research Council 48: 194, April 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Jones, NF; Gupta, R. The Lost Art of Nerve Teasing. Transaction of American Society for Surgery of the Hand Residents & Fellows Conference 21:21, 2003.
  • Fornalski, S; Bingenheimer, E; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Ulnar shortening may be a Useful Adjunct for Lunato-Triquetral Arthrodesis. Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Residents & Fellows Conference 21:36, 2003.
  • Gupta, R; Chao, T; Jones, NF; Steward, O. Why is there pain with carpal tunnel syndrome? Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 58:6, 2003.
  • Lee, TQ; Shapiro, TA; McMarry, MH; Gupta, R; Le, YS: Effects of glenoid retroversion in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 20: 80, 2003.
  • Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Positional dependent changes in glenohumeral contact pressure and force-possible biomechanical etiology of posterior glenoid wear. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Current Basic Science in Shoulder and Elbow 3:2, 2003.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Myelin Changes During Chronic Nerve Compression. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve 14:57, 2004.
  • Rummler, LS; Chao, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Evaluation of Pain in an Animal Model for Compression Neuropathy. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve14:57- 58, 2004.
  • Gray, M; Modafferi, E; Chao, T; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R: Angiogenesis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Transactions of the American Association for Hand Surgery 34:141, 2004.
  • Rowshan, K; Chao, T; Bui, P; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Altered Schwann Cell Function with a Model for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Transactions of the International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons 4:41, 2004.
  • Shapiro, T; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, YS; Lee, TQ: Effects of Glenoid Retroversion in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Proceedings of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 5:532, 2004.
  • Gray, M; Modafferi, E; Chao, T; Bear, D; Rummler, LS; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R: Schwann Cell Production of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in a Model for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 29:915, 2004.
  • Shapiro, T; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, YS; Lee, TQ: Effects of Glenoid Retroversion in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Proceedings of the American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons 20:22, 2004.
  • Bui, P; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Is the Median Nerve Actually Crushed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Transactions of American Society for Surgery of the Hand 59:77, 2004.
  • Rummler, LS; Chao, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Evaluation of Pain in Model for Compressive Neuropathies. Transactions of American Society for Surgery of the Hand 59:82, 2004.
  • Gupta, R. Schwann cell regulation of chronic nerve injury. Proceedings of the Sunderland Society, 15:26, 2004.
  • Gupta, R; Chao, T; Rummler, LS; Truong, L; Steward, O. Immunolocalization of Pain- Mediating Fibers with Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience 34:858.4, 2004.
  • Truong, LN; Rummler, L; Bear, D; Hung, CT; Gupta, R. Shear stress alters the expression of myelin associated glycoprotein and myelin basic protein in Schwann cells. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30: 225, 2005.
  • Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression preferentially induces sprouting from smaller caliber axonal fibers. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30:536, 2005.
  • Rummler, LS; Chao, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Evaluation of pain in an animal model for compressive neuropathies. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30: 537, 2005.
  • Channual, JC; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The temporal pattern of macrophage recruitment in a model for chronic nerve compression injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30: 538, 2005.
  • Nguyen, S; Bear, D; Truong, LN; Gupta, R. Age affects the neural response to chronic nerve compression injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30: 539, 2005.
  • Berger, B; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Chronic nerve compression alters the occurrence of Schmidt-Lanterman Incisures. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 30: 548, 2005.
  • Gupta, R, Rummler L, Palispis W, Truong L, Chao T, Rowshan K, Steward O. Local downdegulation of myelin associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting after chronic nerve compression injury. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 10(S1):31, July 2005.
  • Bear, D; Rummler, LS; Gupta, R. The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome occurs secondary to localized ion channel migration. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 10(S1):4, July 2005.
  • Bhatia, N; Rasouli, A; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Resection of glial scar following spinal cord injury. Transactions of the International Meeting on Advanced Spinal Techniques, 2005.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. The Spine Journal 4(4S): 33S, July/August 2005.
  • Bear, D; Rummler, L; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome may occur secondary to localized ion channel migration. Transactions of the 23rd Annual Adrian E. Flatt Residents and Fellows Conference in Hand Surgery. 23:24, 2005.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. Transactions of the Scoliosis Research Society- Finalist for the Russell Hibbs Award (meeting October 28-30, 2005).
  • Savoie, FH; Seiber, K; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Biomechanical Evaluation of a New Reconstruction Technique for the Anterior Medial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow with Modified Bone Tunnel Placement and Interference Screw Fixation. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 22nd Closed Meeting. 22: 63-64, 2005.
  • Lee, TQ; Ecklund, KJ; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R. The Role of the Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Muscles in a Biomechanical Model of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 22nd Closed Meeting. 22: 109- 110, 2005.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. Proceedings of the Cervical Spine Research Society 33:116-117, 2005.
  • Gupta, R; Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Truong, L; Chao, T; Rowshan, K; Mozaffar, T; Steward, O. Local down-degulation of myelin associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting after chronic nerve compression injury. Transactions of the Eleventh International Symposium on Neural Regeneration 11:41, 2005.
  • Bear, D; Rummler, L; Chao, T; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Localized ion channel migration after neural injury mediates pain. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1868, 2006.
  • Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Novel Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells for Spinal Cord Injury with a Contusion Model. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1261, 2006.
  • Bhatia, N; Rasouli, A; Dinh, PT; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Resection of glial scar following spinal cord injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1258, 2006.
  • Dinh, PT; Rasouli, A; Bhatia, N; Sourydevara, S; Cahill, K; Gupta, R. Transplantation of Preconditioned Schwann cells following Hemisection Spinal Cord Injury Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1257, 2006.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Chao, T; Rowshan, K; Steward, O; Gupta R. Local down-degulation of myelin associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting after chronic nerve compression injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1871, 2006.
  • Chao, T; Gupta, R. Glial derived growth factor (GDNF) mediates neuronal phenotypic changes. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1867, 2006.
  • Gray, M; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Popovich, PG; Gupta, R. Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier without affecting Schwann cell function after neural injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1872, 2006.
  • Ecklund, KJ; McGarry, MH; Chu, E; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: The Role of Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Muscles in a Biomechanical Model of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1963, 2006.
  • Ecklund, KJ; Chu, E; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Restores Abductor Muscle Efficiency in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:264, 2006.
  • Seiber, KS; Gupta, R; McGarry, MH; Safran, MR; Lee, TQ: The Role of Elbow Musculature and Forearm Rotation in Elbow Stability. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1928, 2006.
  • Seiber, KS; Savoie, FH; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ: Biomechanical Evaluation of a new Reconstruction Technique for the Anterior Medial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow with Modified Bone Tunnel Placement and Interference Screw Fixation. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 31:1927, 2006.
  • Pham, KD; Palispis, W; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R: Chronic nerve compression preferentially affects small to medium axons. Transactions of the Plastic Research Council 51: 196, 2006.
  • Gray, M; Palispis, W; Truong, LN; Popovich, PG; Gupta, R: Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier but not Schwann cell proliferation in an animal model for carpal tunnel syndrome. Transactions of the Plastic Research Council 51: 228, 2006.
  • Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Novel New Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-Biologics in Shoulder Surgery pp. 31-32, 2006.
  • Lee, TQ; Grumet, R; Hadely, S; Gupta, R: Development of a Novel Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: The Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-Biologics in Shoulder Surgery pp. 114-115, 2006.
  • Lee, TQ; Grumet, R; Hadely, S; Gupta, R: The Development of Fatty Atrophy after Rotator Cuff Injuries in an Animal Model. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-Biologics in Shoulder Surgery pp. 116-117, 2006.
  • Gupta, R; Gray, M; Popovich, PG; Van Rooijen N. Macrophage depletion alters the blood nerve barrier without affecting Schwann cell function after neural injury. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience 284.19, 2006.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Gupta, R: Mechanisms of pain in an in vivo model for chronic nerve compression injury. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience 383.1, 2006.
  • Grumet, R; Hadely, S; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R: Development of a Novel Model for Rotator Cuff Pathology: The Rabbit Subscapularis Muscle. Transactions of the International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons VII: 60, 2007.
  • Strandberg, EJ; Mozaffar, T; Abe, K; Cahill, K; Hilgenberg, LG; Smith, MA; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1 Levels and Axonal Integrity are maintained after chronic nerve compressioninduced nerve sprouting. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 53:39, 2007.
  • Rummler, L; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. Schwann cells up-regulate NaV1.8 after chronic nerve injury. Transactions of the Sunderland Society 16: 4, 2007.
  • Chao, T; Pham, K; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Local chronic nerve injury induces a neuronal phenotypic switch of the dorsal root ganglia. Journal of Peripheral Nervous System 12 (S1): 18, July, 2007.
  • Mozaffar, T; Strandberg, EJ; Abe, K; Cahill, K; Hilgenberg, LG; Smith, MA; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1 Levels and Axonal Integrity are maintained after chronic nerve compressioninduced nerve sprouting. Journal of Peripheral Nervous System 12 (S1): 60, July, 2007.
  • Rowshan, K; Hadley, S; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Nerve Injury in Rotator Cuff Pathology. Journal of Peripheral Nervous System 12 (S1): 72, July, 2007.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, WA; Gupta, R. Schwann cells up-regulate NaV1.8 after chronic nerve injury. Journal of Peripheral Nervous System 12 (S1): 72, July, 2007.
  • Gupta, R; Strandberg, E; Tafti, M; Steward, O. Glial Derived Growth Factor Modulates Neuronal Phenotype after Chronic Nerve Injuries (Paper 39). Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 62: 61, 2007.
  • Strandberg, E; Abe, K; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Atrogin-1 Levels and Axonal Integrity are Maintained after Chronic Nerve Compression-Induced Nerve Sprouting (Paper 40). Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 62: 62, 2007.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. The Pain of Chronic Nerve Injuries May Be Mediated by Schwann Cells (Paper 42). Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 62: 664, 2007.
  • Rummler, LS; Palipis, W; Gupta, R. Understanding the pain associated with Chronic Nerve Compression Injuries. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve. Page 42, 2008.
  • Pham, K; Chao, T; Palispis, W; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Local nerve injury induces a phenotypic switch of the dorsal root ganglia. Transaction of the Orthopaedic Research Society 54: 119, 2008.
  • Rummler, L; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome is likely mediated by Schwann cells. Transaction of the Orthopaedic Research Society 54: 367, 2008.
  • Gupta, R. Mechanotransduction of chronic nerve injury via Schwann cells. Transactions of the Journal of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand 25(1): TFS, 2008.
  • Smith, JS; Pham, T; Anderson, R; Bhatia, N; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The Role of Durotomy and Duraplasty Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in an Animal Model. Transactions of the Cervical Spine Research Society 36: 101-102, 2008.
  • Gupta, R; Bathen, ME; Palispis WA; Rummler, LS; Strandberg, E; Mozaffar, T. Development of a novel murine model of primary demyelinating neuropathy. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience 351.3, 2008.
  • Rummler, LS; Palispis, WA; Gupta, R. A novel hydrostatic compression chamber model for the study of chronic nerve compression injuries in vitro. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience 351.9, 2008
  • Rummler, L; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. A Novel in Vitro Model of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve Society, page 116, 2009.
  • Pham, K; Tapadia, M; Nassiri, N; Rummler, L; Hazel, A; Gupta, R. Transcriptional Regulation of Integrin-Mediated Demyelination Following Chronic Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 996, 2009.
  • Bathen, M; Hazel, A; Palispis, W; Rummler, L; Strandberg, E; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Development of a Novel Murine Model of Primary Demyelinating Neuropathy. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 1516, 2009.
  • Rummler, L; Palispis, W; Tapadia, M; Gupta, R. Application of Hydrostatic Compression Force Induces Schwann Cell Proliferation In Vitro. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 1518, 2009.
  • Nassiri, N; Pham, K; Tapadia, L; Rummler, L; Gupta, R. Beta4 Integrin Localization at Schmidt-Lanterman Incisures Following Chronic Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 1521, 2009.
  • Smith, J; Pham, T; Anderson, R; Rummler, L; Bhatia, N; Steward, O; Gupta, R. The Role of Decompression with Either Durotomy or Duraplasty Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 1778, 2009.
  • Otarodifard, K; Galle, S; Palmer, G; Lee, K; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Rabbit Subscapularis Tendon Excursion during Gleno-humeral Extension through its Bony Tendinous Tunnel. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 55: 1910, 2009.
  • Preston, C; Lee, TQ; Tibone, JE; ElAttrache, NS; Gupta, R; Park, MC; Otarodifard, K; Wong, J. Biomechanical Comparison of Rotator Cuff Repair Constructs in the Rabbit Subscapularis. Transactions of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery P343, page 254, 2009.
  • Rowshan, K; Hadley, SR; Grumet, RC; Lee, TQ; Gupta, R. Development of Fatty Atrophy after Rotator Cuff Injuries in an Animal Model. Transactions of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery P345, page 255, 2009.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, ME; Jones, NF; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Can Demyelination Occur in the Absence of Inflammation? A Novel Murine Model of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Transactions of the Adrian E. Flatt Residents and Fellows Conference in Hand Surgery 27(RF7): 20-21, 2009.
  • Gupta, R; Hazel, A; Palispis, W; Forootan, M; Rummler, LS. Ischemic Nerves are more Susceptible to Mechanical Injury. Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and American Society of Hand Therapists HS6, page 12, 2009.
  • Jones, NF; Gupta, R; Hansen, SL; Harness, NG. Microsurgical Reconstruction of Congenital Missing Digits with Toe-to-Hand Transfers. Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and American Society of Hand Therapists HS38, page 35, 2009.
  • Kang, JR; Anderson, RL; Hazel, A; Lin, MY; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. P-8 Beta 4 Integrins: A Potential Regulator of Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 23(9): 966, November/December 2009.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, ME; Nassiri, N; Kang, JR; Lin, MY; Anderson, RL; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. P-10 A Murine Model of Compressive Neuropathy Defines Demyelination Distinct From Acute Nerve Injuries. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 23(9): 967, November/December 2009.
  • Lin, MY; Kang, JR; Anderson, RL; Nassiri, N; Hazel, A; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. P-78 Hydrostatic Pressure Activates an Integrin- Associated Signal Cascade in a Myelinating Co- Culture System. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 23(9): 989, November/December 2009.
  • Hazel, A; Bathen, M; Nassiri, N; Kang, J; Anderson, R; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Wallerian Degeneration Does Not Play an Early Role in Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 56:46, 2010.
  • Gupta, R; Nassiri, N; Hazel, A; Anderson, R; Kang, J; Brophy, P; Mozaffar, T. Chronic Nerve Compression Injury Alters Cajal Band Morphometry: A Possible Mechanism for Demyelination. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 56:1617, 2010.
  • Otarodifard, K; Wong, J; Preston, C; Park, M; Tibone, J; ElAttrache, N; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. Rotator Cuff Repair Constructs in the Rabbit Subscapularis: Comparison with Human Data. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 56:1795, 2010.
  • Gupta, R; Nguyen, ML; Jun, B; Galle, SE; McGarry, MH; Burkhart, SS; Lee, TQ. Margin Convergence to Bone for Reconstruction of the Anterior Attachment of the Rotator Cable in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Transactions of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons pp. 73-76, 2010.
  • Gupta, R. Future Directions and Innovations in the Management of Peripheral and Brachial Plexus Injuries. Transactions of the 11th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. SM01-08-04; Page 114, 2010.
  • Lin, M; Forootan, M; Gupta, R. Hypoxia and Ischemia Sensitize Peripheral Nerves to Pressure: A Study of Entrapment Neuropathy. Transactions of the 11th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. FP03-19-02; Page 368, 2010.
  • Lin YM; Friebos, LR; Palispis, W; Gupta, R. Biophysical stimuli induce demyelination via an integrin dependent mechanism. Transactions of American Society for Peripheral Nerve. Page 148, 2011.
  • Nguyen, ML; Jun, BJ; Quigley, RJ; Galle, SE; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Burkhart, SS; Lee, TQ. Margin Convergence to Bone for Reconstruction of the Anterior Attachment of the Rotator Cable in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 57: 530, 2011.
  • Lin, MY; Palispis, W; Forootan, M; Frieboes, L; Gupta, R. Biophysical Stimuli Induce Demyelination Via an Integrin Dependent Mechanism. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 57: 387, 2011.
  • Gupta, A; Quigley, R; Oh, JH; Chung, KC; McGarry, MH; Gupta, R; Tibone, JE; Lee, TQ. Biomechanical Comparison of Single-Row, Double-Row, and Transosseous-Equivalent Repair Techniques After Healing in an Animal Rotator Cuff Tear Model. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 57: 531, 2011.
  • Kang, JR; Wang, W; Nassiri, N; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Does Neural Wound Healing Help to Explain the Pathogenesis of Compressive Neuropathies? Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16(Supplement): S63, 2011.
  • Nassiri, N; Kang, J; Hazel, T; Bathen, M; Gupta, R. Cajal Band Reorganization and the Disruption of Schwann Cell Dystrophin-Related Protein Complex following Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16(Supplement): S96-97, 2011.
  • Vitali, RS; Bowen, A; Rafijah, N; Dolores C; Mozaffar, T; Rafijah, G; Gupta, R. The Use of Fibrin Glue with Nerve Repairs does not Hinder Recovery. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16(Supplement): S145-146, 2011.
  • Lin, M; Hahn, P; Kang, J; Frump, D; Jung, J; Chao, T; Gupta, R. Does the Canonical Wound Healing Help to Explain the Pathogenesis of Compression Neuropathies? Transactions of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Neural Regeneration 14:34-35, 2011.
  • Chao, T; Frump, D; Nassiri, N; Jung, J; Hahn, P; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. MMP-3 Inhibition Blocks Degradation of the Neuromuscular Junction after Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Fourteenth International Symposium on Neural Regeneration 14:36-37, 2011.
  • Rafijah, G; Dolores, C; Bowen, A; Vitali, R; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Fibrin Glue Augmentation Does Not Impede Neurological Recovery in an Animal Model. Transactions of the American Association for Hand Surgery page153, January, 2012.
  • Kang, JR; Wang, W; Nassiri, N; Hahn, P; Frum, D; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Neural Wound Healing: Why Surgery May Not Be Enough for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve page 168, January 2012.
  • Chao, T; Frump, D; Nassiri, N; Jung, J; Hahn, P; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 knock-out mice Resist Degradation of the Neuromuscular Junction following Nerve Transection Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 58: 1264, 2012.
  • Nguyen, M; Quigley, R; McGarry, M; Hanypsiak, B; Morgan, C; Gupta, R; Lee, TQ. The Role of the Biceps Brachii in Overhead Throwing: A Biomechanical Study. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 58: 2212, 2012.
  • Gupta, R; Tornetta, P; Mazzocca, AD; Stern, PL. Changing the Surgical Education Paradigm- How Do You Teach Someone to Have the Surgical Skills of an Orthopaedic Surgeon? Transactions of the American Orthopaedic Association page 46, 2012.
  • Chao, T; Hanh, P; Frump, D; Caiozzo, V; Mozzafar, T; Gupta, R. Blockade of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 after Traumatic Nerve Injury Offers a Novel Treatment for Improving Functional Recovery. Transactions of the American Society for Society for Surgery of the Hand 67:16-17, 2012.
  • Chao, T; Frump, D; Jung, JS; Caiozzo, V; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. MMP-3 Deletion Improves Functional Motor Recovery After Surgical Repair of Traumatic Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 59: 0043, 2013.
  • Jung, JS; Hahn, P; Choi, B; Gupta, R. Chronic Nerve Compression Injury Alters Neurovascular Blood Flow in an In-Vivo Animal Model. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 59: 0350, 2013.
  • Jung, JS; Frump, D; Su, J; Tapadia, M; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. Schwann Cell-derived Desert Hedgehog Provides a Neuroprotective Effect Against the Mechanistic Stimuli from Compressive Neuropathies. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 60: 0687, 2014.
  • Kurimoto, S; Jung, JS; Frump, D; Waterman, M; Mozaffar, T; Gupta, R. The Role of the Wnt3a and the Beta-Catenin Signaling Pathway at the Motor Endplate following Traumatic Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 60: 0531, 2014.
  • Lopez, G; Wright, R; Martin, D; Jung, J; Hahn, P; Gupta, R. Cost-Effective Surgical Simulation Training and Assessment Tool for Junior Level Resident Psychomotor Surgical Skills. Transactions of the American Orthopaedic Association ED01, p. 61, 2014.
  • Gupta, R. Orthopaedic Alternative Medicine: The Science and the Voodoo. Transactions of the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons 76:134, 2015.
  • Zhu, D; Rao, R; Moroski, N; Lee, T; Gupta, R. Curcumin: Does it Decrease Inflammation in Tendon Healing? Transactions of the International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons XV: 48, 2016.
  • Palispis, WA; Chan, J; Gupta, R. What happens to the human motor endplate after a traumatic nerve injury? Transactions of the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons 69th annual meeting, pp.144-146, Friday, April 7, 2017.
  • Palispis, WA; Hoang, H; Uong, J; Chan, JP; Onishi, T; Gupta, R. Local Delivery of Supplemental Agrin at the Time of Injury Prevents Motor Endplate Degradation. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 64: 0083, 2018.
  • Gupta, R. Small Animal Models for Nerve Injury May Not Recapitulate the Human Condition. Transactions of the Association of Bone & Joint Surgeons 70:125-126, 2018.
  • Gupta, R, Chan J, Palispis W, Uong J, Hoang H. Two-Photon Imaging of Human Neuromuscular Junction Degradation After Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Annual meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society pages 244-245, 2018.
  • Gupta, R; Chan, J; Uong, J; Palispis, W; Steward, O; Lee, TQ. Analysis of Human Muscles of the Shoulder and Upper Extremity: A Temporal Profile of Human Motor Endplate Degradation. Transactions of the Annual Meeting of American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, page 16, 2018.
  • Chan, JP; Uong, J; Palispis, W; Hoang, H; Clune, J; Gupta, R. Preoperative Biopsy of Denervated Muscles may be a Predictor of Functional Recovery After Nerve Transfers. Transactions of the Plastic Research Council 64: 249, May 2-5, 2019.
  • Palispis, W; Hoang, H; Uong, J; Chan, JP; Clune, J; Gupta, R. Denervation Induced Degradation of Motor Endplates can be Delayed Using Local Supplementation of Agrin at the Time of Injury. Transactions of the Plastic Research Council 64: 278, May 2-5, 2019.
  • Jung, J; Johnston, TR; Wright, DJ; Lim, P; Navarro, R; Hacquebord, J; Shafiq, B; Gupta, R. Understanding surgeons’ decision-making for the management of proximal humerus fractures. Transactions of the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons 73:99, October 1, 2021.
  • Gupta, R; Johnston, TR; Chen, VY; Steward, O. Preventing Deltoid Dysfunction after Axillary Nerve Injury: Results of Partial Radial to Axillary Nerve Transfer as the Index Procedure. Current Concepts Arthroscopy Arthroplasty & Fractures 2022: 293-297; July, 2022.
  • Gonzales LP, Chen V, Johnston TR, Steward O, Gupta, R. What Happens After Nerve Injury: Understanding Human Motor Endplate Degeneration after Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve; January 2023; Miami, FL.
  • Tedesco, A; Gonzales, L; Chen, V; Hicks, M; Johnston, TR; Steward, O; Gupta, R. Analysis Of The Human Deltoid Muscle After Axillary Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 65:0356; Session 48; February, 2023.
  • Gonzales, L; Chen, V; Tedesco, A; Johnston, TR; Steward, O; Gupta, R. What Happens After Nerve Injury: Understanding Post-traumatic Human Motor Endplate Degeneration. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 65: PS2-115:1559 ; February, 2023.
  • Gupta, R, Johnston TR, Chen VY, Gonzales L, & Steward O. Preventing Deltoid Dysfunction after Axillary Nerve Injury: Results of Partial Radial to Axillary Nerve Transfer as the Index Procedure. Transactions of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; March 2023; Las Vegas, NV.
  • Gonzales LP, Gupta AT, Tedesco A, Andalib, S, Johnston TR, & Gupta, R. Differential Recovery Between Adult and Pediatric Patients Following Peripheral Nerve Injury: Analysis of Human Neonatal Motor Endplates. Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand; October 2023; Toronto, ON.
  • Gupta, R, Tedesco, A., Gonzales, L., Andalib, S., Hicks, M., Johnston, T., Steward, O., "Analysis of the Human Deltoid Across Time Post-Axillary Nerve Injury." Transactions of the American Society of Elbow and Shoulder Surgeons Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ. October, 2023.
  • Gonzales L, Chen V, Tedesco A, Andalib S, Johnston T, Steward O, & Gupta R. Aging Accelerates Degradation of Human Neuromuscular Junction Following Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience. PSTR541.12; November 2023.
  • Andalib, S., Gonzales, L., Tedesco, A., Gupta, A., Hatch, M., Johnston, T., Steward, O., Gupta, R. Objective Measurement of Functional Recovery from Nerve Transfer Following Brachial Plexus Injury Using Reachable Workspace. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience. PSTR541.02; November 2023.
  • Tedesco, A., Gonzales, L., Andalib, S., Hicks, M., Johnston, T., Steward, O., Gupta, R. Human Deltoid Muscle Time-Dependent Response to Axillary Nerve Injury: Fatty Atrophy, Satellite Cell Abundance, and Motor Endplate Degeneration. Transactions of the Society for Neuroscience. PSTR541.13; November, 2023.
  • Andalib, S., Gonzales, L., Tedesco, A., Gupta, A., Hatch, M., Johnston, T., Steward, O., Gupta, R. Reachable Workspace: An Observer-independent Functional Outcome Measure for Upper Extremity Pathology After Surgical Interventions Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 704; 2024.
  • Gonzales, L., Chen, V., Tedesco, A., Andalib, S., Johnston, T., Steward, O., Gupta, R. Aging Accelerates Degradation of Human Neuromuscular Junction Following Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 1801; 2024
  • Tedesco A, Kim J, Johnston TR, Gupta, R, Hicks MR. Supraspinatus Muscle Cellular Composition in Degenerating and Aging Human Rotator Cuff Tears. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2144; 2024.
  • Gupta, R, Johnston TJ, Gonzales L, Chen V, Tedesco A., Andalib S, Steward O. Aging Accelerates the Loss of Motor Endplate Innervation following Peripheral Nerve Injury. Transactions of the Association of Bone & Joint Surgeons 76:119-120, 2024.
  • Andalib S., Hatch M., Lee C., Gonzales L., Tedesco A., Wright D., Johnston T., Steward O., Gupta, R. “Reachable Workspace Provides an Objective Metric of Upper Extremity Function Independent of Patient Mood and Affect.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2024.
  • Andalib S., Wright D., Gonzales L., Tedesco A., Habib A., Steward O., Gupta R. “Motor Endplate Morphometry from Muscle Biopsy Correlated with Electromyography Data in Patients with Brachial Plexus/Peripheral Nerve Injury.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. September 2024. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Gonzales L., Wright D., Chen V., Tedesco A., Andalib S., Johnston T., Steward O., Gupta, R. “Aging Accelerates Degradation of Human Neuromuscular Junction Following Peripheral Nerve Injurys.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2024.
  • Gonzales L., Chen V., Tedesco A., Andalib S., Wright D., Johnston T., Habib A., Hunt R., Steward O., Gupta, R. “Human-derived Neural Progenitor Cell Implantation Rescues Motor Endplates Following Peripheral Nerve Injury.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2024.
  • Tedesco A., Kim J., Huang T., Johnston T., Gupta, R., Hicks M. “Human Muscle Stem Cell Senescence Associated with Aging and Injury Impairs Regenerative Capability.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2024.
  • Tedesco A., Chalmers C., Cruz J., Sanchez-Navarro G., Van Niekerk M., Hacquebord J.H., Lim P., Shafiq B., Gardner M.J., Gupta, R. “Do Surgical or Patient Factors Impact Outcomes after Traumatic Elbow Instability: A Multicenter Analysis of Complex Elbow Fracture- Dislocations.” Transactions of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2024.
  • Lung, B. E., Tedesco A., Liu S., Wang E.D., Johnston T., Gupta, R. “Invasive Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Within 3 Months of Shoulder Arthroplasty Increases the Rate of Periprosthetic Joint Infection.” Transactions of the American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons Annual Meeting P55, San Antonio, TX, October, 2024.
  • Chalmers C.E., Tedesco A., Cruz J., Sanchez-Navarro G., Van Niekerk M., Hacquebord J.H., Lim P., Shafiq B., Gardner M.J., Gupta, R. “Do Surgical or Patient Factors Impact Outcomes after Traumatic Elbow Instability: Analysis of 201 Complex Elbow Fracture- Dislocations.” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting AM169, p. 417, Montreal, Canada; October, 2024.

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