Research Support
- Co-Principal Investigator with Michael Hicks
Cellular mechanisms for the degeneration and aging of human rotator cuff tears
National Institute for Health/ National Institute for Aging
1 R21 AG081739-01
Direct Costs $275,000
Received score 11% percentile from study section- NIA pay line is below 15% percentile - 4/21/2023 - 6/30/2025
- Co-Investigator with PI Clark Hung, PhD
Columbia University SIRS/STAR grant: OCT Imaging as a Novel Tool for Pain Management Research in the Knee” $85,000 for 12 months - 1/1/2021 - 1/1/2022
- Principal Investigator - NIH Award from the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
Schwann Cell Control of Chronic Nerve Injury
($1,653,862) - 1/19/10 - 12/31/15
- Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Clinician Scientist Training Grant - Minal Tapadia Schwann Cell-Derived Hedgehog as a Therapeutic Adjunct for Compressive Neuropathies Role: Primary Mentor($20,000)
- 7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015
- OREF Resident Clinician Scientist Training Grant - Tom Chao A Novel Method to Preserve the Neuromuscular Junction After Traumatic Nerve Injury.
Role: Primary Mentor ($20,000) - 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013
- Orthopaedic Trauma Association Resident Grant
Preservation of the Neuromuscular Junction after Nerve Injury (Role: Primary Mentor)($8,000) - 1/1/11 - 1/1/12
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering Research Fellowship for Undergraduate Students - Nima Nassiri
- 3/30/09 - 7/10/09
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity - Ryan Anderson
The Role of Durotomy and Duraplasty Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in an Animal Model($600) - 12/23/08 - 6/30/09
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity - Nima Nassiri
Schwann Cell Integrin Expression Following Peripheral Nerve Injury ($600) - 12/23/08 - 6/30/09
- Principal Investigator - American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Altered Myelination with Compression Neuropathies: The Role of Schwann Cell Mechanotransduction
($19,187 annual direct costs) - 11/1/06 - 10/31/07
- Co-Investigator (5% effort) - NIH Award from the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
Post-doctoral Training Program in Neural Regeneration
T32 NS-07486
($218,860 annual direct costs) - 07/15/01 - 06/30/06
- Co-Investigator (5% effort) -NIH Award from the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
Summer Research Training in Neuroscience
T35 NS-45563
($38,280 annual direct costs) - 07/01/03 - 06/30/07
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Medical Student Summer Orthopaedic Research Fellowship - Michael Gray
Macrophage mediated effects with chronic nerve compression injury($2500) - 6/1/05 - 9/1/05
- Principal Investigator - NIH Award from the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
Schwann cell regulation of chronic nerve injury
5R01 NS049203
($1,670,679) - 7/1/04 - 4/30/10
- Co-Investigator / Sponsor, Whitaker Foundation - Tom Chao
Mechanical Stimulation of Peripheral Neural Tissue Alters the Process of Myelination ($4500) - 6/1/03 - 9/1/03
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, NIH Post-doctoral fellowship - Phong Bui
Evaluation of Schwann cell responses to different injury models($5500) - 6/1/03 - 9/1/03
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity - Michael Gray
The role of vascular endothelial growth factor in compressive neuropathy($3000) - 6/1/03 - 9/1/03
- Principal Investigator, AirCast Orthopaedic Research Foundation
Schwann Cell Response to Biomechanical forces of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome($100,000) - 8/1/03 - 7/31/05
- Principal Investigator, University Academic Senate Faculty Desktop Computing Initiative Allocation ($2250)
- 2/4/02
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, AOA Honor Medical Society Student Research Fellowship - Kasra Rowshan
Development of a transgenic model for compression Neuropathy($3500) - 3/14/02 - 12/31/02
- Co-Investigator/Sponsor, UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunity-Phong Bui
Induction of Schwann cell apoptosis with chronic nerve injury($2000) - 6/1/00 -6/1/01
- Principal Investigator, NIH Award from the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke 5K08 NS02221
Transduction of Chronic Nerve Injury by Schwann Cells($645,300) - 09/30/00 - 08/31/05
- Co-Investigator/Mentor, NIH Post-doctoral fellowship-Dara Chafik Response of Schwann cells to shear stress($5500)
- 6/1/00 - 9/1/00
- Principal Investigator, UCI Whitaker Foundation Bioengineering Grant
The development of a chronic in-vitromodel for chronic nerve injury ($4500) - 6/99 - 8/99
- Principal Investigator, University of Pennsylvania Seed Grant
The Effect of Laminar Fluid Flow on Fibroblasts Derived from Dupuytren's Tissue($1700) - 1/1/96 - 1/1/97
Research Support (Under Review)
- Principal Investigatorwith Oswald Steward (Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior and Anatomy & Neurobiology and the Director of the Reeve-Irvine Research Center) and Drs. Sam Ward & Samir Shah (UCSD) and Drs. Jeff Kocsis and James Clune (Yale)and Drs. John Morrison and AndrewLi (UC Davis)
Pathogenesis of Post-traumatic Motor Endplate Degeneration
National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
U01 submitted1 U01 TR003198-01 (7/10/2020)
Direct Costs $3,000,000 over 4 years
- Principal Investigator
Log Number: DM190788
Application Title: Understanding Post-Traumatic Human Motor Endplate Remodeling to Improve Functional Recovery in Warfighters
Award Mechanism: FY19 Defense Medical Research and Development Program -Restoring Warfighters with Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries Research Award
Mechanism Option: Research Level 2
- Principal Investigator with Oswald Steward (Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior and Anatomy & Neurobiology and the Director of the Reeve-Irvine Research Center) and Drs. John Morrison and Andrew Li (UC Davis)
Pathogenesis of Post-traumatic Motor Endplate Degeneration
National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke
R01 Grant13287590 submitted (11/5/2021)
Direct Costs $2,750,000 for 9/1/2022-8/31/2027 ($3,571,808)
- Co-Investigator with Michael Hicks
Understanding the Cellular Mechanisms for the Degeneration and Aging of Human Rotator Cuff Tears
National Institute for Aging
R21 grant submission November 1, 2021
Direct Costs $275,000